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#include- _exit()、exit()、atexit()函数的区别: _exit():直接进入内核,属于POSIX标准 exit(): ANSI C标准。先做一些清理工作,例如关闭打开的文件,将缓存区的数据写回到文件中,最后再调用_exit()。 atexit():C语言可以利用atexit(func)注册函数func,作为在main函数结束之后的一些操作,其中func为void类型。 在下面这段代码中,func并没有被调用,就是因为这里用的是_exit()。#include #include int main(int argc, char argv[]) { char ptr = (char)malloc(10); if(NULL == ptr) { printf("\n Malloc failed \n"); return -1; } else if(argc == 1) { printf("\n Usage \n"); } else { memset(ptr, 0, 10); // strncpy(dest,source,num):dest指向目标缓存、source指向源缓存、 // num为要拷贝的字节数,如果num超过dest的空间,则报错 strncpy(ptr, argv[1], 9); while(ptr != 'z') { if(ptr == ' ') break; else ptr++; } if(ptr == 'z') { printf("\n String contains 'z'\n"); // Do some more processing } free(ptr); } return 0; }
#includevoid func(void) { printf("\n Cleanup function called \n"); return; } int main(void) { int i = 0; atexit(func); for(;i
#include#include #include int main(int argc, char argv[]) { int flag = 0; char passwd[10]; // memset(dest,c,sizeof(dest)):将dest指向的缓存全部置为c memset(passwd,0,sizeof(passwd)); //char p = (char*)malloc(10); //strcpy(passwd, argv[1]); scanf("%s",passwd); if(0 == strcmp("LinuxGeek", passwd)) { flag = 1; } if(flag) { printf("\n Password cracked \n"); } else { printf("\n Incorrect passwd \n"); } return 0; }
#includeint main(void) { char ptr = "Linux"; printf("\n [%c] \n",ptr++); //printf("\n [%c] \n",++ptr); printf("\n [%c] \n",ptr); return 0; }
#includeint main(void) { char ptr = "Linux"; ptr = 'T'; // 错误,此处ptr指向的是常量字符串,它的值是常量字符串的首字符的地址,即L的地址,而这句话试图修改L为T,发生错误 printf("\n [%s] \n", ptr); return 0; }
#includeint main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 0; char buff[100]; memset(buff,0,sizeof(buff)); // 初始化buff strncpy(buff, argv[0], sizeof(buff)); //将原来的进程名拷贝到buff中 memset(argv[0],0,strlen(buff)); // 将argv[0]置为0 strncpy(argv[0], "NewName", 7); //将新名字拷贝进argv[0]中 // Simulate a wait. Check the process // name at this point. for(;i
#includeint inc(int val) { int a = val; a++; return &a; //严重漏洞,不可返回本地变量a的地址,因为a的生命周期仅仅是在inc这个函数中 } int main(void) { int a = 10; int val = inc(a); printf("\n Incremented value is equal to [%d] \n", *val); return 0; }
int main(void)
{ int a = 10, b = 20, c = 30; printf("\n %d..%d..%d \n", a+b+c, (b = b2), (c = c2));return 0;